Dresden Files Play by Post
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Dresden Files Play by Post

This forum is for a Play by Post game of Dresden Files, set in the Washington, D.C. area.
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 Peter's Dilemma

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Posts : 134
Join date : 2012-08-01

Peter's Dilemma Empty
PostSubject: Peter's Dilemma   Peter's Dilemma I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 17, 2014 4:35 am

Right in the middle of Peter’s investigations of the mysterious Compound 641, Peter’s mysterious Informant had contacted him again, as if uncovering one top-secret government plot at a time just wasn’t enough anymore. The informant had told Peter there have been rumors of attacks on high level government functionaries all the way up to the President’s own cabinet. He said there was even concern that Secretary of Homeland Security had been compromised, but that it was impossible to put together what happened or how big the scope of it all is. The informant had given Peter one name in connection with the attacks: Julian Doyle.

With a little research Peter quickly found that Julian Doyle is the head of the Marian Foundation and possibly the city’s most well-connected lobbyists in the city. The thing for Peter to decide now is what to do with this information.
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