Dresden Files Play by Post
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Dresden Files Play by Post

This forum is for a Play by Post game of Dresden Files, set in the Washington, D.C. area.
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 Online Stories versus Tabletop Stories

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Posts : 134
Join date : 2012-08-01

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PostSubject: Online Stories versus Tabletop Stories   Online Stories versus Tabletop Stories I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 4:35 pm

Hey everyone! Now that we are opening up the game to more players online I wanted to make sure understands what is going on with some of the characters and scenes here.

When I first made this forum it was just me and my personal friends playing, and we were doing scenes on the forum to supplement our monthly table top gaming sessions. Now that we are getting more players from various places I will be running separate storylines for the purely online characters from the storylines the table top characters are participating in. This way the online players will not miss out when part of the story is done in a table top session they are not able to be present for.

The table top game will shares the same setting as the online one so what happens in it will influence events in the online game and vice versa. Sometimes I will post things on the forum pertaining to the tabletop game, and you may see players from the tabletop game posting as well. Online characters and tabletop characters may interact on the forums, but the important storylines and related scenes they are involved in will be separate.

In order to avoid confusion I will post the names of the characters or which group of characters are invited into a scene (of course remember, you are sometimes able to join a scene even if your name isn't in the subject line, just send me a PM asking before doing so if you want to make sure your character's involvement will be okay).
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