Dresden Files Play by Post
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Dresden Files Play by Post

This forum is for a Play by Post game of Dresden Files, set in the Washington, D.C. area.
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PostSubject: Want to Join Us?   Want to Join Us? I_icon_minitimeMon May 27, 2013 11:27 pm


If you're looking around and think you might to like to join this game, we are currently accepting players so feel free to join and invite a friend. Here is how to go about becoming part of the game.

First, for an overview of the setting look at the forums set up under the "Washington, DC Setting Info" category. There you can start by looking at the theme and threat, then move on to the balance of power, and then check out some of the locations and faces. Those can give you an idea of how your character might fit into the setting.

Submitting a Character

We're doing 8 refresh, 25 skill points and cap at Great. Once you've created your character send it to me via private message on the forums and I'll look it over. If you have any questions while you're creating feel free to ask them in the OOC forum or by PM. One thing you're going to need to do in the Background or Rising Conflict phase of creation is tell how your character gets to DC if they are not a native. Your character's First Story needs to be set in D.C. so that other characters can participate in it.

After your character is approved you will post a little blurb about them in the Player Characters forum using the format it shows (See the examples of other posted characters). And of course it's also cool if you post a picture of your character too. Use a celebrity who has a look close to what you envisioned for your character (or who would play them if this was a movie).

Next add your character's first story to the Your First Story forum. It is nice to include suggestions for how you would like other characters to participate in your story. Then two other players can respond to the thread with how their characters get involved. You also need to respond to the threads of two other players with how your character gets involved in their storylines and what aspects you might get from it. Players get final say on how someone else gets involved in their stories, so you might want to PM the player describing how you would get your character involved prior to posting, or they might ask you to change it.

Joining the Game

Once your character's first story is complete and they have starred in two other stories send me back a copy of your final character sheet, and you are free to join in any of the storylines in the gameplay area of the site, or start their own thread if your character is being proactive and trying to accomplish something that could be the catalyst for a new story. Each thread or topic in a Gameplay are forum is basically a single scene. When I start a scene that is part of a storyline I will include the names of the characters I am inviting into that scene, if your name is not included you may still join, but you might want to send me a PM to check first or to ask how to get your character involved if you're not sure.

Players are encouraged to be proactive and have their characters start new storylines relating to their goals or aspects (these can even take the form of a player driven compel, or a declaration). This is an option for players if there's something you'd like to see happen or like your character to get involved in beyond the scenes I am posting. Once you post your new storyline's first scene as a new topic the forum, and I'll respond to let you know if it's approved and describe what happens next. In most cases I will approve it, but if you want to make sure, you can always send me a PM to check before going to all the trouble of writing the actual post.

Make sure if you are starting a scene you post it in the appropriate forum: we have a forum for all D.C. scenes, and separate forums for scenes that take place outside D.C., in the Nevernever, or in the past, as well as a separate forum for character reflection or interactions that don't impact the overall storyline that is going on (in case players want to get more into their characters' personal lives).
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